Rules of the Road

Your personal safety is PRIORITY 1. 

Here are some safety tips:
  • Always run with another runner
  • Never go to the restroom without letting someone know, AND have them wait for you
  • Never cross intersections when there is a red hand signal at the pedestrian stop sign, even if the traffic light is green
  • When waiting at the intersection, do not be in the street or the very edge of the curb.  If a car hits the curb, it will hit you, too.
  • When crossing the street at neighborhoods, stop.  Then, look in front of you and behind you for traffic turning into the neighborhood.  If a car is waiting to pull out of a neighborhood, run behind the car.  NEVER RUN IN FRONT OF A CAR.  If there is more than one car, run behind the last car.
  • When crossing driveways into shopping centers, schools, fire stations, etc., look right, left, and behind you for oncoming/incoming traffic.  If a car is waiting to pull out of a driveway, run behind the car.  NEVER RUN IN FRONT OF A CAR.  If there is more than one car, run behind the last car.
  • DON’T BE A ROAD HOG.  If you are running more than 1 runner wide, and you meet up with another runner or pedestrian, run single file, so the other person/people can pass or you can run by them.  BE CONSIDERATE, and share the road.  Also, say, “Hello,” or smile.  REMEMBER, you are representing OVHS.